Modern communication technology has brought with it many boons. Via the internet, we can message or video call anyone, anywhere in the world, anytime and any place. While this has undoubtedly made our lives much easier, how
well can you really know someone who you’ve never met face-to-face? Whose hand you’ve never shook?
Basket Weavers aims to remedy this by connecting like-minded people together.
Once you’re in, we’ll add you to the chatroom closest to the location you provide. Here, you’ll be able to talk to other people, local to you. The rest is left up to you. Suggest an activity and a date, see who else is free, and go!
When signing up for Basket Weavers, be prepared to go through a vetting process. This is to ensure that Basket Weavers remains a community of people passionate about their craft.
We are currently accepting donations for Basket Weavers. If you'd like to donate, you can do so once you have made an account by visiting "Account" in the top right and then "View Plans".
If you have any questions regarding Basket Weavers, please get in touch at the address below. Response times may vary, so please be prepared to wait a few days for a response.
@calloftheshieldmaiden on discord
@shield-meanie.beowulf.foundation on element
Magazine Submissions
Our magazine, In The Weave, publishes stories, essays, art and more created by members of our community. If you’d like to make a submission or offer your services, please get in touch for more information.
@calloftheshieldmaiden on discord
@shield-meanie.beowulf.foundation on element